産品預約 General Enquiries
According to the "Interim Measures for the Supervision and Management of Private Equity Investment Funds" issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (the "CSRC"), the standards for accredited investors are as follows:
1.Institutions and individuals have the corresponding risk identification and risk-taking capabilities, and the amount invested in a single private equity investment fund is no less than 1 million Chinese Yuan with the following requirements:
(1)Institutions: Net asset value is no less than 10 million Chinese Yuan.
(2)Individuals: Personal financial assets are no less than 3 million Chinese Yuan or the average annual personal income of the last three years is no less than 500 thousand Chinese Yuan. (financial assets include bank deposits, stocks, bonds, fund shares, asset management plans, bank wealth management products, trust plans, insurance products, futures, etc.)
2.The following investors are considered as accredited investors:
(1)The social security funds, corporate pension/other pension funds, charitable funds, and other social welfare funds;
(2)Investment plans established according to law and recorded by Asset Management Association of China (the "AMAC");
(3)Private equity investment fund managers and relevant practitioners who invest in private equity investment funds managed by themselves;
(4)Other accredited investors by the regulations of the CSRC.
If you confirm that you or the institution you represent is an "accredited investor" and would like to comply with applicable regulations, please click the "Agree" button to continue browsing our website. If you do not agree to any relevant terms, please close this web page directly.
This website is intended for information purpose only and the information contained in this website should not be regarded as an offer to buy or sell any financial products. Investment involves risks and the unit price of the funds is uncertain. Past performance could not be used to indicate the future results and we do not make any promises or guarantees on the future performance. Investors should not rely on the information provided on this webpage to make the investment decision and it is at investors’ own risk.
This Disclaimer has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.